Sunday, March 22, 2015

2015 Ottolenghi Dinner II

In 2014, like cooks all across the country, we loved Ottolenghi's Jerusalem and found it was the perfect source of recipes that were good (overwhelmingly delicious!), clean (lots of vegetables, local meat, and relatively few exotic or out of season ingredients), and fair (mostly purchased from the Phoenix Earth Food Co-Op).  

Several cooks got together in a couple of kitchens to prepare the meal, and then we re-grouped, with some additional eaters, to enjoy an incredible feast which, since we did all the work ourselves, was emininently affordable.

On Saturday, March 28th, SFMV member/leader Anita Levin will be hosting Ottolenghi Dinner II.  
We'll announce the menu soon.  A few spots are left for eaters; call Anita at 419 475-0256 if you haven't already made your reservation.