Tuesday, October 28, 2008

November Slow Supper: Talking Turkey

Slow Food Maumee Valley will hold its November meeting at 6pm on Friday, November 14th at the home of Julie and Michael Leizerman in Swanton.

Julie and Michael have been raising three breeds of heritage turkeys since April, and the birds are reaching their mature stage just in time for the holidays.

Bring a dish to share - maybe a new recipe your are thinking of trying for Thanksgiving? Come talk turkey with Michael and visit the other animals too - kids are welcome!

WHAT: Slow Foods Maumee Valley November Potluck
WHEN: Friday, November 14th, 6pm
WHERE: One Hundred Breaths Farm, the home of the Leizerman family
4728 County Road 3 in Swanton
6 miles west of Toledo Express, then 2.2 miles south on County Road 3

Your rsvp is welcome but not required. E-mail us:
slowfoodmaumeevalley@gmail.com or call Paula at 419.536.0807 or Julie at 419.826.7667.