Julie and Michael have been raising three breeds of heritage turkeys since April, and the birds are reaching their mature stage just in time for the holidays.
Bring a dish to share - maybe a new recipe your are thinking of trying for Thanksgiving? Come talk turkey with Michael and visit the other animals too - kids are welcome!
WHAT: Slow Foods Maumee Valley November Potluck
WHEN: Friday, November 14th, 6pm
WHERE: One Hundred Breaths Farm, the home of the Leizerman family
4728 County Road 3 in Swanton
6 miles west of Toledo Express, then 2.2 miles south on County Road 3
Your rsvp is welcome but not required. E-mail us: slowfoodmaumeevalley@gmail.com or call Paula at 419.536.0807 or Julie at 419.826.7667.
Your rsvp is welcome but not required. E-mail us: slowfoodmaumeevalley@gmail.com or call Paula at 419.536.0807 or Julie at 419.826.7667.