Monday, February 11, 2008

Toledo Grows Events

We're not sponsoring the following events, but we are happy to help get the word out:

Saturday February 23rd -- The 4th Annual SEED SWAP
The Swap and all workshops are free and open to the public!

12:00-3:00pm, Crosby Conference Center (SEED SWAPPING) - bring seeds, bulbs, house plants, gardening magazines, et cetera-- there's still time to order unique seeds to share from sites like All are welcome -- but those who bring something to exchange will receive more tokens...

Workshop Schedule: (all workshops are at Toledo Botanical Garden)
11:00am "Plant Nutrition", Art Abilities Studio (AAS)
11:00am "Talking Tomatoes", Children's Ed. Building (CEB)

1:30pm "Gardening for Maximum Nutrition" (AAS)
1:30pm "Plant Propagation" (CEB)

3:15pm "Beekeeping" (AAB)
3:15pm "Invasive Plants" (CEB)
Come to the Garden on Saturday, February 23, 2008 to exchange seeds, learn new skills and diversify your gardens. No matter your gardening ability, you'll enjoy the chance to mingle with other gardeners and swap favorite seeds and bulbs. The Seed Swap gives gardeners the opportunity to enjoy new plants and to help preserve unique local and cultural strains, as many gardeners grow plants that are unique to their ethnicity or taste. Visitors are also encouraged to bring houseplants to exchange. There will be activities for kids, workshops, music and more so bring the whole family.
For more information, please call (419)936-2975 or email
The Seed Swap is a free/grassroots event � please help us by printing or forwarding these flyers�

1 comment:

Mark Chipkin said...

I thought gardeners would enjoy my favorite activity. Growing a TickleMe Plant. It moves its branches down and closes its leaves when tickled. Google TickleMe Plants and see what I mean!
You will never forget the experience.