As of this writing, perfect weather is predicted for Monday, June 16th, when SFMV will celebrate its first anniversary with a potluck Slow Supper at Hoen's Greenhouse, 1710 Perrysburg-Holland Rd. in Holland.
As regular attendees know, with no rules other than bring something that is good, clean, and fair, somehow SFMV potlucks have always resulted in feasts. Since the season has brought early-season harvests to our gardens and farmers markets, I'm sure that this dinner will be no exception.
Please reply here: if you would like to attend. Here are the details:Slow SupperMonday June 16th6:30 PM - about 9 PMHoen's Greenhouse1710 Perrysburg Holland RoadProvided: place settings, cold drinks;, and strawberries
You bring: dish to share w/ serving utensils (ready to serve - no re-heating), and wine if you want it
Cost: Members $5, Guests $10
Here's an optional suggestion: The new is full of stories about the threat to our food supply posed by the collapse of honeybee colonies and, more recently, bats. This month includes National Pollinator's Week. You may want to do some research (examples
here) into what pollinators were required for the ingredients in your dish.